Digital Marketing for eCommerce Startups: A Trusted 6 Step Approach

Digital marketing for ecommerce startups does not have to be over complicated.  The steps I take will be explained to you in detail. With over a decade and a half of experience in the eCommerce marketing field under my belt, the strategies outlined here are provided wit a high degree of confidence. If there are approaches or tactics in this article which is not entirely clear to you then have a look at our range of digital marketing short courses

Of course your approach will depend on the type of e-commerce business you are but in many ways the digital marketing principles will remain the same.


In order to get the most out of your eCommerce marketing strategy, you must first conduct a thorough market analysis, which includes determining who your target market is and what their needs are.

If the company has been in operation for a long time, the first step is to determine where you currently stand. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • What resources are available to you, and what are you lacking
  • What is the company’s cash flow capacity, and how long can it sustain itself?
  • What are the current strengths and weaknesses of the team
  • What have you accomplished in the last year and what can you take away from that experience?

    For example, have you achieved any of the goals you set for yourself in the past?

    In the current and future markets you plan to enter, has your data collection or market research found any opportunities or threats?

Of course, businesses don’t operate in a vacuum. Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, and global inflation rates fuelled by high fuel prices are all examples of this phenomenon.

Another e-commerce-related example is the worldwide trend of resignation. There is a lack of skilled people available to support eCommerce companies’ goth plans, for example.

It’s critical that you learn as much as possible about your target market while going through this process. If you’re already running a business, you’ll already have a lot of information about your current customers. What is their method of use, and how did you come into contact with them? Are they price-sensitive, and what kind of marketing and content appeal to them? Can you think of any communication channels or tactics that seem to work better than others?

This is a situation where existing data is of little use. Social media campaigns performed best on Friday and Sunday afternoons on Facebook, as well as Tuesday and Thursday evenings on Reddit, according to a previous client I worked with. You’ll be able to get the most bang for your buck and expand your market share with this kind of information.

How the public sees the company.

After conducting a SWOT, PESTLE, and competitor analysis, you should begin your strategy presentation by summarising the current state of your eCommerce.
Your eCommerce should be built on three main pillars, and it is these qualities that you should emphasise in the coming years.

This will be followed by a discussion of your eCommerce’s current problems as identified by the findings of your market research.

Is there anything that is preventing your organisation from growing, and if so, how? Identifying the issues that your eCommerce business is facing will allow you to develop effective solutions.

Your problem may have come to light because your environment is too competitive or because most customers have are looking for products not often available in stores.

Identifying your competitors will help you set realistic goals for your company.
Finding out who your competitors and customers are and what opportunities exist is all it takes to develop a marketing strategy.

A successful marketing strategy relies on solutions that are in line with your company’s goals. Challenges related to e-commerce should be included as well. A plan for allocating financial resources should include setting short-term (30 days) and long-term (60 days) goals.

In order to get the most out of your brainstorming sessions, this is the best approach to take.

A business’s marketing strategy should begin with the guidelines provided above. These suggestions are useful for any business, not just e-commerce ones.

Determine your business objectives once you have a clear picture of your company’s identity and where it stands in the marketplace. Connecting strategy to future plans and goals will help you achieve your goals.

There are numerous ways in which business goals can be put to use. Sales, Customer Service, and Website Performance are some of the categories used by some entrepreneurs, while others divide their goals by customer stage, such as reach, act, engage and convert (RACE).

Regardless of how you go about it, it’s critical to include a qualitative metric so that you can track your progress toward meeting your goals and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Being able to identify groups of people who share a trait or characteristic. Your target market is made up of two types of people: customers and supporters.

When you know who your audience is, what they’re going through, and how they prefer to be communicated to, direct communication can be established. Your success depends on knowing how and why your customers buy from you, not just what you’re selling.

The STP marketing model is a great way to identify your target market and customers. For marketers, this data is useful in examining how to best position their company and its products in light of various target groups’ characteristics.

With the help of buyer personas, you can identify your ideal customers.


Tactics for marketing
An effective marketing strategy pitch or proposal relies heavily on proper planning and strategizing. As previously mentioned, numbers are extremely important.

What options do you have?
Publicity campaigns for goods and services
In this section, you describe your marketing strategy for eCommerce, as well as the solutions you recommend.

Indicate what, in your opinion, the company can do better and why.

If you recommend this as a way to improve the company’s value proposition, provide specific examples, such as how the company’s identity and position as a brand might be improved. Public relations (PR) and events are two effective ways to get your company’s name out there.

It’s critical that your strategy acknowledges and offers suggestions for nurturing your audience. Your eCommerce business will have to close its doors so to speak, if you don’t have any customers.

  • Consider using content marketing as an example.
    newsletter-based email advertising.
  • Using social media to improve your website’s SEO
  • Consider the overall competitiveness of your market when deciding on a strategy for your business.
  • Decide on your objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs).
    There are always goals and KPIs in an eCommerce marketing strategy.

Strategies for e-commerce advertising.

Make sure to include data to support your goals and desired outcomes when describing your marketing solutions.
KPIs allow for more informed decisions and better control over processes. It’s critical to keep tabs on the status of your strategy and the direction your company is taking.

Increasing your company’s revenue could be an example of how to increase your eCommerce investment.

KPIs should be as detailed as possible.

Set a deadline for yourself; if you want to accomplish your goals in 30 or 60 days, do so! Briefly describe the next steps to be taken after the two-month period.


Lastly, the strategy relies heavily on an educated guess at the overall budget. When you present your strategy to stakeholders and investors, they’ll want to know the total cost of the project.

Measuring What Works

Today, we have the unique ability to measure results in real time through digital communication. Make sure your marketing tactics are being measured in this final step of the planning process, and you’ll be on the right track. This question has four parts to it for me;
Is there a specific set of metrics that you’re interested in? Website traffic, downloads, and sales?
2) How do your current KPIs compare to those you set out at the outset?
What do you know now that you have compared your results to your objectives?
For example, do you need to alter your tactics or increase exposure on specific channels? Or do you want to leave things alone?

Digital Marketing for eCommerce Startups: What Else Should Be Considdered?

1. Make Your product landing page as effective as possible
E-commerce businesses are all about generating sales. Customers must first find your product landing page in order to make a purchase. However, if your page isn’t optimised to increase conversions, that won’t happen.

When starting an e-commerce company, you must have a web presence online. Although a website is necessary, it’s not enough. Your primary focus should be on the design and functionality of the website. Create a visually appealing website by carefully selecting the colours and design elements that will be used. The placement of all the elements and icons is critical. Make the checkout process as easy as possible for your customers so that they can buy from you.

Your e-commerce site’s performance can be improved in a number of ways. These pointers can help you.

Where do you start with a product landing page?
User confidence should be boosted by your product landing page It should contain all of the information needed to make the purchasing process as simple and painless as possible for the customer.

Every product landing page must include these four basic elements in order to achieve this goal:

When it comes to your eCommerce website, the focus should be on the product itself, so make sure it is prominently displayed. Your customer’s decision to buy can be influenced by how it is presented. 

Your Branding – Make sure your brand is well-known. Your brand needs to be consistent across all of your social media platforms, your website, and your content marketing efforts. 

  • The look and feel of your eCommerce product page is a critical consideration. It needs to be well-designed and easy to use. 
  • For your copywriting, see the following: Using effective sales copy on a landing page is essential to conveying your brand’s personality and encouraging customers to buy. Your product, branding, and product page design must all be in sync with the design of your product page. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the specific components that eCommerce startups need to optimise their product pages.

Importance of high-quality images of your products.

In today’s world of eCommerce, distance is no longer an issue. Anywhere in the world can buy your products, no matter where you are located. Due to the nature of the internet and the nature of your customers, they are unable to physically inspect, taste, or test your products before they buy them. They make a purchase decision based on the product images they see on your website.

Therefore, it’s impossible to overstate the significance of having high-quality product photography on your eCommerce product page It’s your chance to give your customers the best possible impression of your products.

It’s possible to take good photos with your smartphone, but your product photos should be taken by a professional. Professional photography equipment or the services of a professional can help you get the best possible images of your products.
You should post only high-quality images of your products on your e-commerce site.
Make certain that your product images emphasise the most important aspects of your offerings.

Make use of seo-enabled images and a variety of product image angles to let customers see all of the unique features of your products.
Credibility and conversion rates can both be improved with the use of a high-quality product image. So, make sure your product photos are high-quality and appealing to your target audience.

Have a crystal-clear call to action

Your online store’s main goal is to get customers to click “Buy.” The most important part of your eCommerce website is the CTA (Call to Action). A low conversion rate may be the result if your customers are unable to see or understand this crucial call to action.

Your eCommerce product page’s CTA should stand out from the rest of the page’s content.

When customers first arrive at your online store, they should be able to see the buy button without having to scroll down the page.

There should be nothing in the buy button area that would detract the customer’s focus from the primary objective of making a purchase.
Keep it simple with your call-to-actions. Use a straightforward call to action, such as “Add to Cart,” “Buy Now,” or “Submit Order.” Your customers may become perplexed if you try to be too imaginative when it comes to call-to-actions.

Get specific

Even if you use images and videos to enhance the visual appeal of your eCommerce product page, you must also include compelling text.

Third-party sellers should never rely on generic product descriptions provided by manufacturers. Adapt your descriptions to the needs of your intended audience.

Keep it brief and to the point. Long paragraphs don’t interest anyone. Consider providing enough information for customers to make an informed purchase decision.
To make it easier to read, use bullet points.
It should not be monotonous. Make an effort to make your product description more relatable to your customers.
Defining a brand identity is essential. When writing a product description, keep in mind who your target market is and what they’re looking for.

Incorporate educational material.

Your product’s landing page copy is crucial. Your target market is looking for products that can help them solve their problems or enhance their lives. If you want your customers to buy from you, you need to make it clear how your products can help them achieve that.

So make the most of your brief window of opportunity. The content should be concise and informative.
Emphasize the value of your products and what your customers will be missing out on if they don’t buy from you. How does your product fit into their daily routines? In what ways will it make their lives more enjoyable, more effective, or all three? In your writing, let your readers know.

By telling a story that resonates with your potential customers, you can bring your brand to life.

Help them focus on the important details.
You want to make sure your content is interesting and appealing to your audience. Always double-check your writing to make sure you’re speaking to your readers in a way that they can relate to.

Include testimonials from others in the field.
Conversion rates can be boosted by using social proof. Advocacy of this nature can influence the purchasing habits of your potential customers. It is especially important for new businesses to have social proof in order to build customer confidence.

Why is it important?

On a product’s landing page, it’s important to have positive customer reviews. It shows that your product has been purchased and certified by other customers.
Product reviews influence the purchasing decisions of many consumers. To them, it’s no different than trusting the advice of friends.

Customer purchase decisions can be swayed by social proof, which can make or break your business. As a customer makes their way through your e-commerce site, it instils a sense of security and confidence in them.
In order to convince customers that your product is worth their money, you can use social proof like customer testimonials, product reviews, or awards from reputable organisations.

Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your Facebook or Twitter page. Send a follow-up email after a sale and ask your customers to rate or leave a product review. The better for your business your product landing page has more reviews.

One of the most critical components of your e-commerce website is the page that displays your products. Ensure that a visitor’s time on one of these pages is well spent. These pointers will assist you in creating landing pages that increase your conversion rate.

Second, Increase Your E-commerce Sales

Instill a sense of security in your customers.

You don’t have a brick-and-mortar storefront where customers can see and touch your products or services, so establishing trust is critical to boosting your sales. The problem with online sales is that consumers are reluctant to make purchases because of the widespread perception that online transactions are fraudulent or deceptive.

Make your customers feel safe when they shop on your e-commerce site to combat this. According to a recent study, 77% of online shoppers read customer reviews before making a purchase. E-commerce entrepreneurs need to take advantage of positive product or service reviews in order to attract new clients. You should also ensure that your customers have a safe browsing experience, especially if they are providing sensitive information like credit card numbers.

Encrypt confidential information with an SSL or Secure Socket Layers certificate.

Your e-commerce site should display badges of trust such as those from VeriSign, PayPal Verified, and the BBB
Use them in a variety of places, such as product pages, checkout pages, and the footers of your website.
See to it that you are employing the most recent security measures, either through your payment processor or your e-commerce site provider

Upsell and cross-sell

Boosting sales is another marketing strategy that involves encouraging customers to purchase additional products or services. It is the art of convincing customers to buy additional products after they’ve already purchased the first one. Providing customers who purchase smartphones with screen protectors, cases, and power banks is an excellent example.

You can also use up-selling to persuade customers to spend more money than they originally intended by offering them additional services or products. Sales volume won’t go up with this method but your average sale value will go up, resulting in greater profits. Many salespeople use up-selling as a common tactic. Choosing a 43-inch TV over a 32-inch one is often touted as the most cost-effective option.

You can use the information you’ve gathered to make the best product or service recommendations.
Always make recommendations that are based on what the customer has already purchased.
Customize upsell promotions with the help of software like Asana.


Pay-per-click advertising is the next way to increase e-commerce revenue. Nothing beats digital marketing as a means of promoting your online business. A single marketing campaign can bring in hundreds of new customers with the right advertising, timing, and channel selection.

In paid media, it is critical to first identify successful advertising campaigns before spending large amounts of money on them. You can always start small and see how it goes before investing a lot of money. Define your target audience and use tools to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), and Display Ads are just a few of the paid media options out there.
Ad spending should not exceed $50 as a starting point.
Flexibility is a hallmark of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Ensure a positive experience at the cash register.

The convenience of shopping online is a major reason why people enjoy it so much. However, completing and paying for the purchase is the most difficult part of the purchase process. About 70% of online shoppers abandon their online shopping carts before they have even reached the checkout page. If you want to increase sales, you need to encourage customers to go through with the purchase.

Purchasing or receiving services should not be complicated in any way; instead, it should be made as simple and straightforward as possible. Customers should be able to see how many steps it will take them to complete the purchase by adding a progress bar. In addition, make your checkout page more appealing by offering coupons and discounts that must be entered at the end of the process.

Offer coupons for free shipping that can be redeemed before payment is made.
Provide discount codes in exchange for email addresses, which you can then use to contact customers about the items they’ve added to their shopping cart.

Always show customers their receipts to confirm that they’ve made a purchase.

It’s all about the customer here.
The final piece of advice for increasing e-commerce sales is to put customer service first. Keep in mind that your customers want to be heard and that their thoughts and ideas are important. Instead of trying to convince yourself that your online support system is excellent, use objective metrics to evaluate its performance.

Is there a way for customers to get in touch with you? Perhaps they should be given an up-to-date delivery update? Do you have a return policy? How can they get in touch with you? Do you respond to comments within a few hours?

Responding to customers on a regular basis shows consistency. If so, how often do you engage in conversational sales? In order to grow your business and your clientele, remember to:

  • Make use of tools like Drift, which allow you to talk to customers right on the spot.
  • Use chatbots on social media to modernise your customer service system.
  • Make sure you have a 24-hour live chat to answer any questions customers may have.

If you require a small business marketing agency to support you with growing your ecommerce brand, please contact us or have a look at our digital marketing short courses.

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